If you are a college and university student pursuing a career in law, then you know how stressful and exciting is to write a dissertation on the topics of law. While selecting a dissertation topic make clear all the things about the topic then make the dissertation proposal. As it is essential to have enough information about the dissertation topic so that you can manage the word count and complete the dissertation on time. To help you out in how to write the best law dissertation here in this article we have provided an example of a law dissertation writing i.e., international human rights laws in the background of law. So let’s begin with the topic.

 The laws protect individuals from discrimination, ensure access to basic needs, and uphold the right to life, liberty and security of person. They also provide a framework for governments to take action when abuses of human rights occur. In addition, international human rights laws provide a basis for international cooperation and collaboration in addressing global human rights concerns. Assignment help ensures that students understand the importance of international human.

Steps to follow for writing the dissertation

The following steps you need to follow while making a dissertation:


After selecting your interest topic the first thing that you need to do is research the topic from various sources whether it is articles, books, journals, scholars or any other information source. As research will help in knowing and understanding the topic better. Apart from this research will also help in creating the outline structure of the topic. For instance, as stated above if you are writing on the above-mentioned topic search a lot about the topic and create an outline structure of it such as the things that you going to mention such as an overview of the international human rights law, sources of law, the relationship between the U.K. domestic law and international human rights law, etc. 

Title Page 

After conducting the research and preparing the outline structure of the dissertation topic make a title page in which mention the logo and name of the university, write the name of the dissertation topic, mention the name of the module leader, along with your information like student name and student ID. Apart from writing a quality dissertation presentations also play an essential role. So make sure that along with quality your dissertation also looks good and is systematically structured. 

Table of contents

To navigate the reader easily on the given topic prepare a table of contents. In this mention all the topics which you are going to discuss in the dissertation. The table of contents also helps the readers to get an idea of what the dissertation is going to discuss in brief. 


In the introduction section, introduce your dissertation on which topic it is based along with its aim, objectives and background. For instance, in the above article, our chosen topic is international human rights laws in the background of law. Give a brief overview and background of the topic such as what it stated, when it was launched, and what policies come with it, etc. and create a base for your dissertation.

Main body

In this mention, all the topics related to international human rights laws in the background of law such as when this law comes to action, sources of the law, and its relationship with domestic law and these topics give a brief overview of its sub-topics. For instance, if you are writing on the topic of sources of international law first of all provide its introduction, treaties, its nature, sources and declarations and resolutions. This will help you briefly explain the topic.

Conclusive Statement

Hope this article will help you in writing a law dissertation. In case you face any trouble in writing the dissertation and need dissertation help from professionals. Visit the site of Treat Assignment Help UK and get the best dissertation writing services.

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